Doktor Jons Guide to The Use and Application of CCTV & IP Video - a unique resource providing information and advice on  the modern use of CCTV video surveillance
Doktor Jons Guide to The Use and Application of CCTV & IP Video - a unique resource providing information and advice on  the modern use of CCTV video surveillance

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Doktor Jon's 'News and Views


Facewatch preview their latest advances in integrated cloud based police crime reporting solutions at IFSEC

At IFSEC 2012 Facewatch is demonstrating a fully integrated low level crime reporting solution for businesses enabling a premises CCTV cameras to be managed on or off-site with the ability to upload CCTV clips of incidents and a full evidence pack directly to the Police.


• The Facewatch system uses the very latest IP cloud storage technology enabling both analogue and IP camera devices to use the system.

• Facewatch is the UK's only crime reporting solution which enables CCTV evidence to be sent to the Police.

• The system provides a complete crime reporting, image sharing and group security tool with full analytics.

• Seeing the Facewatch brand in stores, restaurants, pubs and clubs also improves security for customers and employees.

• The Facewatch system is also Secured by Design by ACPO (Association of Chief Police officers). 

• Access to the Facewatch crime reporting and image sharing system is provided free to the Police and Businesses. 

The fully integrated system provides cloud storage of CCTV recordings allowing a business to store data more securely off-site. CCTV devices are managed through a user dashboard and incident panel accessible via the Internet through a PC, Smart phone or tablet device.

The Facewatch system provides retail and licensed trade businesses with a complete security solution enabling businesses to easily work as part of local crime prevention partnerships and uses the very latest IP cloud storage technology enabling both analogue and IP camera devices to use the system.
