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Doktor Jons

Guide to Closed Circuit TV (CCTV)

So would you like to play "Spot the CCTV Camera?". Eagle eyed visitors may recognise the profusion of street furniture, surrounding a single heritage dome camera keeping watch over part  of Londons' prestigious Oxford Street shopping area.

Computers and CCTV
..... a heady combination

What do Computers have in common with CCTV? - continued

Processing applications like facial or vehicle number plate recognition, are precisely the type of function that computers take in their stride; but having said that, there are dark mutterings about what is perhaps the biggest, and dare I say most contentious, of future CCTV developments.

For some time now, the technology has existed to allow dumb stupid CCTV cameras, to automatically track a single moving target. However, as computer processing power has steadily increased in recent years, it is now theoretically possible for suitably programmed 'digital' systems to 'lock on' and follow, all manner of moving targets.

The systems can potentially track a number of very high speed targets, hundreds of metres away ( as used in cutting edge military applications ) or alternatively, simply follow lost drivers as they wander around their local car park, desperately trying to remember where they've parked their vehicle.

Realistically, as the costs for hardware continue to fall, and as Mega Pixel cameras increase in both resolution and sensitivity, we can expect to see the integration of a number of discrete processing systems, so that in the not too distant future, perhaps Town Centre camera schemes will be able to automatically track numerous individuals, as they move from one camera location to another.

The civil liberties implications are of course quite staggering, and yet you can rest assured of one thing in particular. No open discussion about this technology is in the least bit likely, unless and until the systems have already been adopted, almost certainly on the basis of their need in the fight against terrorism.

And when does Doktor Jon think these new super computer based CCTV systems will be appearing on a high street near you? The truth of course, is that they could already be in use experimentally, although given the current high cost for this unproven technology, it's unlikely to be 'adopted' for at least another 2 - 3 years, at the earliest.

So what do you think about automated CCTV systems?

Why not forward your comments to Doktor Jon.

The unique "TRUSTED" National CCTV Improvement Campaign

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