Welcome to the
"Co-veillance" Section
Doktor Jons

Guide to Closed Circuit TV (CCTV)

So would you like to play "Spot the CCTV Camera?". Eagle eyed visitors may recognise the profusion of street furniture, surrounding a single heritage dome camera keeping watch over part  of Londons' prestigious Oxford Street shopping area.

Reasons to be Covert ...

Now if the building is isolated, that can mean an extended response time for the local police, if the alarm is activated.

On the simple basis that the visible cameras located throughout the building, will themselves be vulnerable (having been surveyed by the thieves during opening hours), the obvious solution is a “Double Deception”.

Here covert cameras are strategically placed, not only to give the best evidential quality video recordings of suspects, but also to include (if at all possible) an overt camera position, clearly showing the camera if its underattack: and of course to assist in the identification of the villains.

The same principles apply to a whole host of situations, including celebrity and politician residences, military establishments, embassies and consular buildings, art galleries and museums, jewellery stores, stately homes .... and the list goes on and on.

If used for the right reasons, and in a responsible way, Co-veillance is perhaps the single most effective technique for applying CCTV, in a wide range of situations.



So how exactly do you hide a camera?

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