Doktor Jon

takes a wry look at Town Centre
CCTV system design

A cautionary tale of how to approach the subject from a different direction!

The unique "TRUSTED" National CCTV Improvement Campaign

An alternative view on the use of CCTV in Town Centres - cont.


Within a month, all the assessments and reports had been produced and an outline proposal presented to the council for consideration.
The Leader was impressed, “according to the experts report, we don’t need a hugely expensive ‘active’ system, like they had installed in Bawring on Sea.

Apparently a much lower cost ‘Safety Net’© approach will provide the maximum benefits for minimum investment.

In fact, it’s been suggested that for a budget of around £ 35,000 (US$ 60,000 or Euro 52,500) we should achieve an overall crime reduction of around 40% after six months”.

“Amazing” said the councillors; and would you believe it, the councillors voted for the project to go ahead, the community based CCTV scheme was installed, the crime dropped dramatically, and poor old Bawring on Sea suffered a twenty percent increase in crime almost immediately after the Wunover Safety Net© scheme went live.


So the moral of this little story is -

Whatever you do ...
.... don’t make the mistake of becoming Bawring,
when you could so easily be Wunover!

Click here for further details on the Safety Net© approach to applying CCTV >>

If you are interested in setting up a community based "Safety Net"
© CCTV scheme, or you actually have, why not contact Doktor Jon with more details;

E-mail to:-

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